How To Rename A File With Special Characters Windows
Using special characters in file path/name
Use two special characters, question mark (?) and number sign (#), in designated file names to take iMIS generate incremental and entity-specific file names when it creates consign files.
Question marker symbol
Utilize the ? symbol to create file names that iMIS increments sequentially at each consign. This value is stored in Counter.LAST_VALUE for Counter_name='GL Interface' and will keep to increment indefinitely.
For example, glint?.txt produces glint1.txt, glint2.txt, and and then forth.
Number sign symbol
If you are using multiple entities and demand separate export/import files generated for each entity, so utilize the substitution character # to insert the entity lawmaking into the generated file names.
For example, if you are exporting data for an entity chosen NFP (not-for-turn a profit) and the file name designation is #glint.txt, the export file NFPglint.txt will exist generated containing only the transactions that belong to the NFP entity.
The new information is not appended to the NFPglint.txt file each time you consign data for this entity. The NFPglint.txt file is overwritten, unless you lot enable the Don't Allow File Over-Writes option in the General Ledger Interface window.
? and #
These special characters tin exist combined in a single file name.
For example, #glint?.txt produces NFP export files NFPglint1.txt, NFPglint2.txt, and so on.
Annotation: There are no grapheme limitations in iMIS for the file name. Even so, you should verify whatever limitations that may exist imposed past your third-party GL package.
To configure the GL interface
Annotation: These options use only if you take purchased a license for the iMIS Financial Systems interface or AP interface.
The AR/Cash General Ledger Interface window lets you configure the iMIS GL and AP interfaces, which both require a license.
- From AR/Cash, select Set module, and click G/Fifty Interface to open the AR/Cash General Ledger Interface window.
- Click Edit.
- Select a general ledger accounting package from the GL Interface Type drop-down listing.
- Select a level of transaction item from the Summarize past drop-down list.
- Enter the file path and file name.
- Enable the Refund Via AP Interface, Send Individual Refunds to Visitor, and Don't Permit File Over-Writes options if desired.
- Click Salve.
To create dissever GL interface files
iMIS can segregate transactions past entity and generate split up GL export/import files for each entity. To actuate this pick, place a pound sign (#) at the desired location in the file name of the transaction export path/file on the AR/Cash General Ledger Interface window. The pound sign (#) symbol sends a signal to iMIS to create separate output files. To properly distinguish the files, iMIS substitutes the entity organization code in place of the pound sign (#).
Note: In order to limit file names to 8 characters, it is important to go along other identifying characters in the file name to a minimum. When assigning entity Org Codes, try to limit the grapheme size of the entity Org Codes as well.
On the following Organization Names and AR/Cash General Ledger Interface windows, each time the GL entry is generated, three files will be created in which the organization codes BLDG, DEMO, and GEN, respectively, will be substituted for the pound sign (#) symbol (bold transactions are interfaced for all three entities). When the processing is complete, GLBLDG.TXT, GLDEMO.TXT, and GLGEN.TXT will reside in the TMP directory.
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